Sunday, January 26, 2020

Out of the Blue

Today I was going to tell you about what a great race I had yesterday at the Mission 10 race at San Juan.  10 miles.  Last time I ran this race it was during a very hard time and so this was quite a win in many ways.

I had just gotten back from today's run-also good-when the news came about Kobe.  I have no connection to Kobe none.  I'm not a big basketball fan, I'm not from LA so he's not part of a team I follow.  I rarely even think about him.  But for some reason -even before we found out his daughter was in the crash-this felt like a punch in the stomach.

You could envision what their morning was like as they rushed to get to basketball practice.  No big deal millions of families do this every day-not on a private helicopter but still.   Maybe because his name has popped up a little lately because of LeBron's record.  I vaguely remember a show on HBO about him...maybe.  

I looked through the blog for pictures thinking maybe I had referenced him at some point.  Nope...nothing.

But today we are all reminded that it's so random.  One day you think your life is on a projection and then just like that everything you knew or planned will never happen.  Something I think about all the time when I feel like I haven't bargained for something I'm going through.

I started out referring to going back to a race which marked a time when everything had changed from what I thought it was going to be-maybe it's that.  Lots of people have said the same thing.

Rest In peace Kobe and watch after your little girl.

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