So here are some highlights of the long 4 days spent by Commoner Kristen and myself.
First of all Commoner Kristen had just had her bunions removed and hadn't walked anywhere in a week. She looked like this when she walked.
It is possible that you can drive up to a building on a beautiful summer Monday and not leave that building again until Thursday. For some reason it was thought that Presidents of Unions do not need to be in the sunshine EVER!
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These guys are even aloud an hour outside per day |
They did feed us-a lot of food all of the time. All of the time. It just kept coming and I practiced no restraint. I just kept eating and if I didn't see food every two hours? I started going through withdrawals and eating chewy sprees.
My obsession with food and beefcakes in general wound it's way one night as we were trying to go to sleep-to a discussion about San Fransisco Giant's Coach Dave Righetti.
Dave Righetti doesn't necessarily qualify as a beefcake but my observation was that the players are so young I better start checking out coaches.
I was telling her that back when I was a cyclist and Dave Righetti was a Yankee I had a friend who had a huge crush on him-like big-and she had the contacts to arrange a meeting. Then I told her about his Ronzoni commercials for Dave Righetti Spaghetti.
We found no evidence of those commercials-so Dave Righetti or Mr. Sabien if you are reading this can you put them on You Tube?
Anyway-there were other fun events. For example; while getting ice for Kristen at the ice machine I stumbled upon an unidentified door and pushed it open to find the supply room! I backed it out of there because on SVU? That's where they find the bodies.
The next night I went back to stock up on shampoo-on my way to get ice-and I heard someone say, "Can I help you?" I was very careful not to witness anything and said, "Oop sorry, I'm looking for ice."
One time we escaped. I had just been to a budget workshop so we skipped the Budget seminar or whatever (SHH DON"T TELL). We went out and set by the fountain in the sunshine.
As we are sitting by this beautiful fountain (that's my hotel in the background) soaking up the sunshine when a guy comes up to us and says "Can I ask you a question" Kristen told him yes. He asked if I liked fruit and vegetables.
When I told him no -he looked at me in shock and asked Kristen if I was lying. I told him I only like fruity sprees. The sad thing is I wasn't kidding-and Kristen although she likes fruits and vegetables and told him that we lived too far away to take part in his co-op.
That's kind of how the week went.
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