Thursday, April 24, 2014

A Commoner's Guide to Heated Running

They made me go back to work yesterday.  Who's they you ask?  No idea but i had to go back.  Easy it was because there are no kids at school yet.  We are being professionally developed.

So I'm back at work and back to the ticking clock of classes and things coming to a head in very many ways.  It's enough to make you say
I mean it's that point in the semester when I typically lose a document or a table and scream like the above.  Luckily it was a table and I fixed it but still.
Thank God for running.  Even a sucky run like today's -with the wind and the tiredness and the slowness.  It's still outside in the sunshine with the fresh air in the running clothes and sweating.
So since I'm finding no humor in this time right now-you know my TV obsession.  I will watch anything on HBO-I don't think they produce a series which is not top notch.  One of my favorite is VICE which is a documentary show produced by Bill Maher.
He's being captured and is being held in the Ukraine while doing a story there.  This is scary stuff.  Vice brings stories you just wouldn't know from around the world.  It tells it in an interesting way.  I'm sad and worried for him.

On that note.  Photo of the day
That's how i feel today.

Song of the day?  Royals-just because I like it.  And this girl?  Great Hair

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