Friday, March 22, 2013

The Commoner Loves Zulily

Oh my dear QVC-how I've loved you over the last 20 years.  I still do sort of care about you.  You know the way you care about an old boyfriend?  Kind of watch from afar.  We may occasionally cross paths when there is a fantastic TSV (today's special value) if you
aren't sure.  I may buy a lunch time special, buy a pair of Clarks and of course you have the BEST value in make up.  

I belong to every shopping website on the planet, groupon, Bloomspot, Google Offers, Amazon Local, and I barely ever bought anything on any of them.  But one day something special happened.  A very special day that will always be commemorated.  If I knew exactly when it was.  A couple of weeks ago I think. Maybe.

I'ld heard of Zulily and occasionally would check out the site, which mostly had baby clothes, cute but not for me.

Then one day-something caught my eye.  They had BOC shoes.  I love BOC shoes.  I usually buy them at Macys and I usually spend up to 70 dollars for them.
    Well the BOC word in the subject line caught my eye, and there were those shoes which looked really cool.  26 dollars with tax and shipping.  One paypal click and they were mine. 

Move on with  life -buy an Irish sweater on the QMore coconut water from Amazon.

Yesterday in the Zulily subject line it said hush puppy shoes.  Now I had to go past the baby dresses to get there but there were The Hush Puppy shoes.  The same brand I wore as a kidCute gold color sandles-cute!  Not fugly school mom. Cute.  20 dollars with tax and shipping-SOLD!

Today when I woke up it said Aasics.  I don't wear Aasics but Rob does.  Surely this website can't be selling Aasics at a great price.  I clicked and you know what? It was fantastastic.  (Yes I spelled that wrong on purpose-it was that great).  

All sorts of running clothes all priced at less than 20 dollars.  I couldn't do it though.  I had to stop the madness.  This might be the most dangerous addiction yet.   
When I spoke about it later that night on Facebook, I found lots of people love Zulily.  Then I found out my friend Joe's wife works there.  That means Zulily is my new destiny.
Out with the old in with the new. 



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