Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Commoner Answers Some Questions

One of my favorite blogs that I read is by a runner.  I would say another runner, but I'm no where near her category of running.  She's 27 a new mom, an ex teacher, super sweet, loves food and runs like 2 minute miles or something.  She actually wins races.  Her blog is  and you should read her sometime.

 IMG 4765

 Anyway she's a local girl with a great comment section.  Turns out a lot of her readers are bloggers mostly bloggers writing  about running, but all kinds of bloggers and we've all kind of connected.

One blogger runner is and I was so excited when she nominated me for a Liebster Award -which basically is just me answering questions.  So for Turkey Runner who actually runs more like I do-here are the answers you've all waited for-in a Commoner kind of way.

1.  What is your birthday?

 And this year on the Day I run the Chicago Marathon I turn 50

2.  How many siblings do you have?
 I'm a lonely only!
3.  What is your favorite color?
Blue and purple-I love them both

4.  How many countries have you been to?'
 I've been to America, Canada-a lot, Mexico, and Ireland-a lot
5.  Do you have any hidden talents?
No I don't hide anything

6.  What is your current TV Addiction?
Cable Drama-Walking Dead, The Following, The Americans,
American Horror Story, 
7. Favorite workout?
Running and only running especially on my trail.  That's right my trail.  The county of Santa Clara may think they own it but it's mine.

8.  Do you have a celebrity crush?
Need you ask?

  9.  Do you have a favorite team that you root for?
I have 2-the San Francisco Giants and The New York Rangers

10.  Where did you grow up?
Westbury New York baby!!!

I didn't grow up on this side of Westbury, I lived on the other side of the tracks -

10 Why did you start blogging?
Because weird things always happen to me.

I hope hungry runner girl and turkey runner girl get to read commoner runner girl's answers.  I'm supposed to pass them on to other bloggers.  I'll get to that I'm sure

Now you know a little more about me.  Take care!


  1. Congrats on the award!! I also read HRG and Turkey Runner (that's how I found you!).

    A marathon sounds like a perfect way to celebrate a birthday!

  2. I love the way you answered the questions with pictures! Thanks for playing :) So cool that you'll be running a marathon on your birthday!

  3. Do either of you want to be nominated for this award? I'm supposed to nominate people?
