Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Commoner and The Number 50

Yes I know I've blogged about numbers before.  It's a weird thing to blog about, but I have a collection of numbers, 5, 22, 13, 11, and now a new one 50.

I obsess about the number 50 because I'm turning 50 this year.  How can I possibly be turning 50?  How can I be that old?  How can you be in your 30s? I know you are -aren't you?

To begin with, I've bought my beefcakes back to Facebook.  Who am I to deprive my women friends the pleasure of muscles with their breakfast.  My Beef cakes are always submitted by others you know.  Well my cousin sent me one today of Jon Bon Jovi.  The man is 50.   I'm feeling okay about that one.
 Photo: Bon Jovi at 50.. Thumbs up if you think he's still got it!
On the radio the other day I heard someone refer to the 50th anniversary of John F. Kennedy's death.  I said to myself, "Wow, has it been 50 years already?"  Then I realized I wasn't even a month old when he died.  That was the start of my freak out.

Then I saw a snippet of Chris Christy on David Letterman.  For those who don't know-Chris Christy is the charismatic governor of New Jersey.  He's famous for his large size, love of Barrack Obama, and ultra conservatism.  Turns out he's also turning 50.  Believe it or not that made me happy because although he's heavy, he doesn't seem old.  

I've also explained to you my fascination with ESPN.  Sports is the new reality TV -I'm telling you for sure.  Today as I was making dinner I hear an ad that said to celebrate Michael Jordan's 50th birthday, we are bringing you Jordan's top 50 plays.
 Really?  I could have sworn he was a year older than me.  Whatever.  He seems older than 50.  But hey-he's MJ, so that's okay.

So I'm 50.  Well not yet but I will be later in the year.  Until then I'm going to enjoy every day of 49.  Each day a mini-birthday.  So happy birthday to me, my friend Maria, Michael Jordan, Chris Christie, and Jon Bon Jovi.  After all 50 is the new 30.


  1. 50 sounds like a great number! I'd be happy to share ANYTHING w/ Jon Bon Jovi...even age. LOL
