Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Commoner and the Naked Guy

Seriously It's Bay to Breakers what else can I say?  You can feel like you made it when you are able to stay at the Host hotel and can walk to the start five minutes before it was time to be there.

It's fuzzy for some reason I don't know.

This year I remembered my shoes but forgot my iPhone holder.  That was easy to fix.  With a little help from Walgreens.  Here are some highlights of the day.

Runners and walkers everywhere

Waiting at the start while they fixed the banner which caused the delay.

The shirt and the medal

This is the run that you smile the whole time.   The crowds, the city, the costumes, the naked guys, the scenery, even the hill.  It's the best.

I actually had a naked guy run the race near me the whole time.  It was some what unsettling and I did have to look to see what exactly happens when you run 7.5 miles naked.  It isn't good I'll tell you that.  Plus he ran the whole way carrying a bag.  Because you can't be naked AFTER the race because yes that would be creepy.  

Any way tomorrow (or today) depending on when you read this is a huge huge day.  So this is the song of the day.

Lose Yourself by Em.

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